
Key researchers at the Centre of Public Health Sciences publish around 50 scientific articles yearly. We are very pleased that many of the publications, on which our researchers collaborated, have been published in leading journals and recognized for their impact.  

Our research team is highly productive, and, in addition to peer-reviewed publications, are active in other dissemination as well as in media and public outreach. 

Below are selected recent and high impact publications. For a comprehensive list you’ll find repository links for each researcher on our team here.


Hvít bygging

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adult Mental Health Outcomes

Prevalence of Life Stressors and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Women in Iceland

Sexual violence in the workplace and associated health outcomes: a nationwide, cross-sectional analysis of women in Iceland

Acute COVID-19 severity and mental health morbidity trajectories in patient populations of six nations: an observational study

COVID-19 illness severity and 2-year prevalence of physical symptoms: an observational study in Iceland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark

Coverage of community-wide mass drug administration platforms for soil-transmitted helminths in Benin, India, and Malawi: findings from the DeWorm3 project

Postpartum Psychiatric Outcomes and Sick Leave After Discontinuing SSRI or SNRI in Pregnancy

Are trajectories of self-rated health and physical working capacity during the retirement transition predicted by work-related factors and social class?

History of childhood maltreatment associated with hospitalization or death due to COVID-19: a cohort study

Incidence Trajectories of Psychiatric Disorders After Assault, Injury, and Bereavement

Maternal diabetes and risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in offspring in a multinational cohort of 3.6 million mother–child pairs

The mother's risk of premature death after child loss across two centuries

Association of Stress-Related Disorders With Subsequent Autoimmune Disease

Preterm births in Iceland 1997-2016: Preterm birth rates by gestational age groups and type of preterm birth

A Population-Based Study of Stimulant Drug Treatment of ADHD and Academic Progress in Children