The Centre of Public Health Sciences was established in 2007 as part of the University’s Strategy and Objectives to enhance interdisciplinary studies and research, building on the existing diversity within the university’s faculties and international collaboration.
Our mission is to improve population health through cutting-edge science
We conduct large scale epidemiological studies to advance current understanding of evolving determinants of health to provide knowledge based new strategies for health promotion, prevention and clinical praxis.
We use nationwide, population health registers and two recently established cohorts:

Training of young scientists is an integral part of our daily operative
The Centre of Public Health Sciences has grown rapidly during recent years and is now a vibrant community of scientists, educators, young researchers and graduate students, all of diverse academic background.
Our collaborative researchers come from leading academic institutions abroad as well as from renowned domestic organisations, that manage many of the Icelandic population-based health registers.
Our more extensive research projects are funded by the European Research Council, The Icelandic Centre for Research, NordForsk and the University of Iceland´s doctoral grants and research fund.